Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre

Advice on debt, benefits and housing issues. It is provided on a drop-in basis for people in the Rose Hill and Donnington area. Does not deal with immigration issues.
We tell you your entitlements.
We help you make applications.
We help you appeal.
We represent you at hearings.
We help you draw up a budget.
We help with repayment schedules.
We help with Debt Relief Orders.
We help with bankruptcy.
Rent arrears.
Mortgage repossessions.
How to Access this Service
By using the contact details below.
Alternatively, you can fill out this contact form:
We are answering calls between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Thursday.
New freephone number: The best way to get help with issues regarding benefits, debt and housing is to call us on our new freephone telephone number 0800 170 0156.
Who is it for?
For anyone specifically in this area (Rose Hill and Donnington).
Updated on December 4, 2020