
Restore is an Oxfordshire-based mental health charity that provides Recovery projects together with Root and Branch and Bridewell Organic Gardens which helps people take control of their recovery, develop skills and lead meaningful lives.

Restore supports people with mental ill health through Therapeutic Activity and Employment Coaching. It also offers Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training to individuals and businesses, as well as short courses through The Recovery College.


Restore has six Recovery Groups across Oxfordshire as well as a coaching support service to help people into employment and is the lead partner for Oxfordshire Recovery College. The Recovery Groups offer a unique therapeutic work environment that is supportive, creative, purposeful and fun. They offer opportunities to socialise and learn new skills in horticulture, printing, cooking, marketing, woodwork and other crafts.

Organisation: Restore
209B Cowley RoadCowley RoadOxford OX4 1YHUK
General enquiries: 01865 455839
Referrals: 01865 455823

Updated on October 6, 2020

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