We work with schools, colleges, CAMHS, local authorities, and third sector partners including Oxfordshire Youth to improve services for children and young people and campaign for positive change. Our services support children and young people to increase their knowledge and coping skills including innovative courses like Boxing and Wellbeing. We are offering new provision supporting 18 to 25 year olds, and will also be launching new work building mentally healthy universities with Oxford Brookes and National Mind.

abandofbrothers (ABOB) works with young men in danger of the criminal justice system. We provide them with the support to make the transition to an adulthood free of crime and filled with a sense of belonging, connection and purpose.

Our Quest for Community brings together young men and adult Mentors through an intensive contemporary rites-of-passage experience and mentoring programme.

Our focus is to give these young men experiences that challenge them and support their growth, and to provide them with a lasting community that supports them.

The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (OSCB) aims to keep children in Oxfordshire as safe as possible by making sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities regarding safeguarding through training, learning and local resources. It is everybody’s responsibility to keep children and young people safe. If you’re concerned that a child is being abused or neglected, you should report it so that the child can be protected.

If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999.

If you have a concern about a child, please call MASH on 0345 050 7666.

The New Beginnings Team provides practical and emotional support to people who experienced sexual exploitation while aged under 18. Our clients often struggle with a number of difficulties as a result of this abuse, and find it very difficult to move on with their lives. We support people around practical issues such as information and accessing appropriate support, benefits, housing, advocacy, and if needed support around police investigations and court cases. We also offer emotional support and guidance, as well as support around raising self esteem and feeling empowered and in control of own life and choices.

CAMHS aims to make sure than no one goes without the support they need. In Oxfordshire they provide a wide range of mental health services for children and young people (CAMHS) and community services.

CAMHS offers two pathways for providing mental health services for children and adolescents.

The CAMHS – Getting Help pathway provides an early intervention which is time limited. This is the first level of help they offer for children and young people with emotional or mental health difficulties. You would normally work with one main mental health worker who will often have a background in nursing, social work, or occupational therapy. CAMHS – Getting Help offers children and young people opportunities to learn new skills to support them in managing emotional or mental health difficulties and also supports parents and carers.

The CAMHS – Getting More Help pathway works with children and young people who may need help over a longer period of time and/or who need more professionals to be involved. This could be because of something significant which has happened in their life, or just because more help is needed. It is different for everyone, and they try to treat everyone as an individual. They also support parents and carers too.

CAMHS – Getting More Help will treat children or young people in an emergency if they need help for a serious mental illness, like if they are feeling very low and have been thinking about harming themselves.

They offer evidence-based treatment, which means that the treatment has been tested to make sure that it works. You might be seen individually, with a family member or in a group with other young people who have similar difficulties: they will ask you what you prefer.

This service provides mental health training and support to help businesses create and maintain a positive working environment, enabling everyone to reach their potential.

Courses provided: Understanding Mental Health; Workplace Wellbeing; Tools for Managers; Five Ways to Wellbeing; Suicide Prevention Awareness; Wellbeing for Freelancers and Self-Employed; Bespoke.

These are delivered as full or half day courses, workshops, presentations or evening events. Oxfordshire Mind also provides the Mental Health First Aid two-day training course that is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health and qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider. All training is offered in-house or at a venue of choice, or as Open Courses for individuals at our central office. The income raised from our training helps to fund the free services provided by Oxfordshire Mind.

We are the charity for everyone’s mental health. With prevention at the heart of what we do, we aim to find the sources of mental health problems and the solutions.

Mindfulness is part of the Mental Health Foundation’s strategy for a fresh emphasis on prevention, focusing on solutions that work and have impact. Mindfulness has come a long way since we first started advocating people to Be Mindful in 2010, however the need for more active investment in preventing mental health problems remains. Our aim is to help ensure that all those who would benefit from it have access to good quality mindfulness courses.

Bridewell is a mental health recovery service. We provide social and therapeutic horticulture in a working garden to adults living in Oxfordshire. Our goal is to help people into jobs or voluntary roles out in the wider community.

The recovery team uses an occupational focus and individual support to assist people back into employment, voluntary work and active lives in the community. Bridewell runs a structured day with service users (gardeners) engaged in activities around the garden supported by Social and Therapeutic Horticultural Practitioners and volunteers.

On the first page of the Website you can see the referrals button where potential referrers can click to either download the referral form or complete the form online.


OWCC offers a professional counselling service to women in Oxfordshire. Counsellors are fully qualified or following an approved training course. OWCC provides a supportive counselling environment for women seeking help to explore the issues in their lives and to consider alternative perspectives. People can self-refer by phone, leaving their name and contact details. Cost is dependent on the person’s financial circumstances.

Located in the heart of Banbury we are a leisure centre offering a 50m outdoor swimming pool with an aqua-splash area and slide, indoor bowling hall, 50 station gym and 2 fitness studios. If you have any questions or need more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.