Supports new and existing schemes for community transport.

Causeway Carers are a small group of people who care for a relative or friend suffering a mental health illness. They  provide support and information in an informally friendly and non-judgemental way, and alternate months, try to have a speaker.

Aspire Oxford help vulnerable people who are facing challenges, such homelessness, poverty, addiction, offending histories or mental health difficulties.

They provide a door to door minibus service for people with mobility problems who cannot use public transport. Clients must be registered before use.

Stonewall are a charity who campaign for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain and abroad. Their information service can help with any issues affecting LGBT people or their families. Whatever your situation, you are not on your own – Stonewall will do what they can to help or point you in the right direction to someone who can. They can put you in touch with organisations who provide counselling services and legal advice.

Mindline Trans+ is a confidential emotional and mental health support helpline for people who identify as transgender, agender, genderfluid and non-binary. They provide a safe place to talk about any feelings with a trained volunteer with lived Trans or non-binary experience, who will listen and offer support.  They can also support family members, friends, colleagues and carers, and provide signposting to other services and resources.

LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

LGBT+ Oxfordshire is a one-stop connection to community and support services for LGBT+ life in Oxfordshire. Within the website are pages for Community, Advice and Resources that link to groups and organisations to help make your life in and around Oxfordshire as welcoming as possible.

FFLAG, formerly Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, promotes understanding and acceptance of authentic and open LGBT lives in families with an LGBT family member. They offer a listening ear and practical support through their email and helpline services. Information booklets are downloadable from their website, where other support materials and details of their network of autonomous local parent support groups around the country are available.

Campaigning group aiming to change policy, practice and awareness, encouraging healthy relationships and building a future where domestic abuse is no longer tolerated. They have a National domestic violence helpline, online support and local services around the country.

NCT is the UK’s largest charity for parents. Its website and helpline offer practical and emotional support in all areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.