District councils provide a free housing advice service for anyone in need of housing advice. They also manage the general needs housing register. If you find yourself in housing need please go to their websites and follow the self-help tool.

Holder House is a 24 hour staffed Registered Care Home which offers care and rehabilitation opportunities for men and women aged 18 and over recovering from mental ill health. They are here to help individuals acquire the confidence and skills they need to live more independent lives through support and action planning.

If you are homeless or concerned about the possibility of losing your home, it is extremely important that you seek advice at the earliest opportunity.

Appointments are available at St Aldate’s Chambers (opposite the Town Hall) from 9.30am until 4.30pm from Monday to Thursday, and until 3.30pm on Friday.

To book an appointment please call 01865 249811, and select option 3 for housing and then option 4 for homelessness.

Richmond Fellowship is a national mental health charity making recovery reality for thousands of people every year. We provide a wide range of services including residential support, supported housing, employment services, community support and crisis support. Richmond Fellowship is now part of Recovery Focus, a group of charities with the shared aim to inspire individual recovery together.

Rehabilitative care home for adults with mental health conditions, learning disability and physical disability through brain injury. Staffed 24 hours, referrals dealt with during working hours. Weekly charges are between £700 and £1500.

Provides flexible support for people with learning disabilities or mental health problems. Advance Support will support you where you want to be supported, when you want to be supported, to do what you want to do and with a person you have chosen. Support can include looking for a place to live, support in daily life, and assistance in finding a job. Phone or email to discuss requirements.

Faringdon Baptist Church have a small food bank for those who live in Faringdon and surrounding villages, and those who would struggle to get to Wantage or Swindon.

The Faringdon Family Centre Foodbank is a practical, community based project, organised by local churches. Referrals to the food bank are made by a number of agencies including the family centre and local churches, Faringdon Children’s Centre, benefits agencies plus local schools and the health centre.

An Emergency Foodbank is a practical, community based project aimed at providing short term relief by giving food to people in crisis in our local area.

Agencies can also hold a food box if they choose for such times when the foodbank may not be open.

Abingdon Foodbank is run by local churches and volunteers and aims to prevent hunger and support people in Abingdon who are in hardship or facing a crisis. We give a parcel of food (tinned, long-life and some fresh), and basic toiletries where needed, to sustain people who are referred to us for a few days. We can also refer them to Citizens Advice and other agencies for longer term support.