In the west of the county is the Witney hub. They offer recovery treatment, included in that is open access sessions, key work sessions and group work. They also offer DrugFam support, which is a peer-led session for family members affected by substance use.

Didcot hub serves the South of the county and is a modern friendly centre offering key worker sessions, groups and activities. The Didcot team also run weekly drop-in sessions in Abingdon and Henley.

The Oxford hub is a one-stop treatment centre providing a wide range of treatment options, including harm reduction advice, structured group work programme, activities, complementary therapies and one-to-one key work sessions to promote recovery. The Oxford hub is open 6 days per week, including one evening until 8pm.

The Banbury hub is open five days per week and offers a variety of interventions to support recovery, including key worker sessions, group work, peer led groups and open access drop-in. They also offer art club and relaxation groups.

Turning Point is a county wide integrated alcohol and drugs service which was authorised by Oxfordshire City Council. They offer support to individuals throughout Oxfordshire at dedicated Recovery Hubs in: Oxford, Banbury, Didcot, and Witney.

The aim is to support and encourage people to achieve their recovery. The team across Oxfordshire includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, recovery workers, support workers, complementary therapists, peer mentor volunteers, counsellors and trainers.

Referrals are accepted from individuals, organisations and family/friends.

Volunteer Link Up is the volunteer centre for West Oxfordshire, linking people interested in volunteering with local residents and charitable organisations that need their services. They also work with organisations to develop volunteering opportunities, ensuring high standards in volunteer management.

Volunteer Connect was established in April 2012 as a project of Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants.
Its purpose is to broker between potential volunteers and volunteer opportunity providers in and around the Cherwell district.

OCVA provides advice, advocacy, development, information and training to the voluntary sector in Oxfordshire, supporting and empowering volunteers, networks, partnerships and non profit organisations. The Volunteer Centre helps people find volunteering opportunities via its Facebook page and monthly Newsletter which update opportunities available, volunteer experiences and upcoming training and events which may be of interest.

Active Oxfordshire represents and supports key partners in providing sport and active recreation opportunities in Oxfordshire so that everyone can participate in sport and active recreation and reach their full potential. There are a range of volunteering opportunities, from helping at events, organising sporting activities or providing administration, IT fundraising or management skills.

Oxford City Council website provides information about volunteering opportunities in a variety of settings such as parks and open spaces, conservation and Oxford museum.