At the Disability Rights Commission they have one key goal “A society where all disabled people can participate fully as equal citizens”.

Scope is a strong community of disabled and non-disabled people with a shared vision of equality. They provide practical advice and emotional support whenever people need them most. Scope do this through their helpline, their online community, a range of employment and child sleep services, community engagement programmes, and more. All of their services are developed to achieve our strategy, Everyday Equality. They also use their collective power to change attitudes and end injustice, and campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.

Mencap is a national charity working to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families, providing information, advice and support on a range of issues including young people, diagnosis, benefits, relationships & sex, wills & trusts, pmld, health & social care, the Mental Capacity Act and challenging behaviour. They have a network of over 400 local groups, some of which are operated directly by Mencap, others which operate as independent charities, with their own governance and strategy. (For details of groups in Oxfordshire please see their website). Mencap also work with organisations to improve the employment prospects of people with a learning disability through their work and training service ‘ Employ Me’, which helps identify job opportunities, review training needs and provide on the job support where appropriate.

Faith based voluntary support group for parents of children and young adults with Asperger’s syndrome in North Oxfordshire and South Northamptonshire. Parents Talking Asperger’s offers support, understanding and practical support to children and young adults with Asperger’s, their siblings and parents.

Style Acre supports people with learning disabilities and autism in Oxfordshire, to live successfully in their own homes with peers. They support a range of needs, including people who need 24 hour care to those who only need a few hours a week. They can provide work experience, find work placements and specialist staff and equipment for those with communication difficulties. They also have three community hubs in Wallingford, Didcot and Banbury, providing day opportunities for people with learning disabilities and autism.

Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OxFSN) is a not for profit organisation run by, and for, family and carers of people with learning disabilities, both children and adults. They provide information, advice, support and training to family members, carers and to healthcare and social care professionals.

Oasis (Oxfordshire Autistic Society) is a charity run by parent volunteers for those bringing up children and young adults on the autistic spectrum. Oasis aims to create a supportive community through family events, informal groups, evening speaker meetings, and updates on the website of county wide events & information.

Octopus Arts is a small charity that supports music groups for people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

MacIntyre work with young people with learning disabilities and autism through its ‘No Limits’ Programme. They offer an innovative, community based education and support which offers an alternative to conventional educational models for young people aged 14-25 years who do not learn well, or are unable to access, traditional building based environments. In Oxfordshire they have a specialist facility at Abingdon College working with students with complex learning disabilities.

LDOX is an online community which supports people with learning disabilities, autism and special educational needs in Oxfordshire to get the best support and opportunities available. They aim to be a neutral space where people supporting people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire can come together to support each other, to exchange knowledge, experience and information, to highlight and discuss the issues that concern us, and to be a friendly place to meet online.