A full advice service for people living in the Barton area in receipt of benefits, and organisations working with clients in receipt of benefits, including debt advice and representation at appeal tribunal hearings. Also provides advice, support and training in social welfare law.
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The Agnes Smith Advice Centre offer free expert advice on money and debt, welfare benefits, housing, and employment for people living in Blackbird Leys. They also offer outreach services in other parts of the community to reach more people.
They have a legal advice clinic, one to one appointments, and a drop in service, and they take GP referrals from the Leys Health Centre.
FLAG DV are a free legal advice group for victims of domestic violence.
They offer free family law legal advice appointments to enable people who have experienced domestic abuse to make informed decisions that empowers them to safely leave the abuse behind.
As well as providing legal advice appointments, they also act as a bridge of support by providing a clear pathway into other support organisations. This ensures a more holistic network is established to enable a better outcome for clients.
Disability Law Service is a unique charity that provides free legal advice for disabled people in categories such as employment law, welfare benefits, community care law and disability discrimination. Not only can they provide this advice over the phone or via email, but they have online resources/factsheets that they can send as well.
Their purpose is to fight against the injustice of those who are disabled, so they can get the legal rights they deserve.
The Mind Legal Advice Line provides advice on mental health related law including Mental Health and being sectioned under the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity, Community Care, Human Rights and Discrimination.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on a variety of health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.
PALS provides help in many ways.
For example, it can:
- Help you with health-related questions.
- Help resolve concerns or problems when you’re using the NHS.
- Tell you how to get more involved in your own healthcare.
PALS can give you information about:
- The NHS.
- The NHS complaints procedure, including how to get independent help if you want to make a complaint.
- Support groups outside the NHS.
PALS also helps to improve the NHS by listening to your concerns and suggestions, and then acting on it.
Civil Legal Advice is a free and confidential advice service in England & Wales.
They can provide help on:
Debt, if your home is at risk.
Housing, if you’re homeless or at risk of being evicted.
Domestic abuse.
Separating from an abusive partner, when you’re making arrangements for children or sorting out money and property
a child being taken into care.
Special education needs.
Some child abduction cases.
The Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is committed to improving the service we give to our patients. It is a confidential service that aims to:
– Advise and support patients, their families, and their carers.
– Listen to patients’ concerns, queries and suggestions.
– Help sort out problems quickly on your behalf.
– Inform patients, their families and their carers about the Trust’s Complaints Procedure.
– Assist you if you have any concerns about your rights as a patient and how the OUH is fulfilling its part of the NHS Constitution with regard to your own care.
The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) is a group of statutory, private, voluntary, and independent organisations across Oxfordshire who work together to empower and protect some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Their purpose is to raise awareness and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults by the development of an effective co-operative. This group is committed to ensuring that the work done effectively brings about good outcomes for adults so that people live safe and secure lives.
Personal Budgets and Self-Directed Support gives people choice and control over the support they need to go about their daily lives. Everyone who is eligible for social care will be allocated a personal budget. A range of options is available to help plan suitable care for each person.