The Oxford Education Deanery aim to work effectively with local schools to improve educational outcomes.
They facilitate the continuing professional development of teachers at all career stages in local schools by engaging them in research and providing various training courses.

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the front door to Children’s Social Care for all child protection and immediate safeguarding concerns. It is a link between universal services such as schools and GP’s and statutory services such as police and social care.

The church has children’s and youth groups when they meet in person, and a crèche space for parents with under 5s, with a live stream of the service.

Eynsham Baptist Church are a friendly community based church, rooted in the Baptist tradition but inclusive of Christians of all denominations, and welcoming of all who seek to practise their faith. Junior Church is the service for the younger congregation, and it runs alongside the main service. The children start off in the all ages service, and around half way through will go into the Church Hall for bible based fun activities.

Bladon Junior Church meets weekly for a short, all-age service which is followed by games and activities. The Church specialises in music and drama, producing stage concerts and full length musical productions.

Christ Church Abingdon is a lively, diverse Anglican church meeting on Sundays and throughout the week.

They meet across two sites in North Abingdon: Northcourt Road and Long Furlong. Together they seek to flourish as a community practising the way of Jesus, growing as disciples and seeing their community and neighbourhoods transformed.

Didcot Baptist Church is a church with an outward focus. They support children, young people and their families. During the week they host baby and toddler groups and the Girls Brigade. Every Sunday morning they have Sunday School during the services for ages 3-16. Didcot Baptist Church exist to show and share the love of Jesus in our words and actions. All are welcome.

Cherwell Theatre Company (CTC) is a creative home for young theatre-makers in Banbury and the surrounding areas. They exist to give young people a sense of self-belief, wellbeing and value by bringing them together with professional artists. They are proud to welcome all young voices, regardless of background or experience. They hold no auditions, and as a registered charity with low overheads, are able to keep subscription fees low and offer bursary places to those that need them.

Local Youth club for young people (aged 11-19 years old) in Wood Farm. Meets on Wednesday 5.30-7.30pm at Wood Farm Youth Centre. The club is run by Oxford Youth Ambition.

Wesley Memorial is a busy church, with activities for all ages. They have a full programme for children and young people. Students – undergraduates and graduate students of both universities, and young adults are most welcome in their fellowship. The church gathers for worship every Sunday and meets in home groups and on Zoom during the week.