The self-harm team is part of the Psychiatric Liaison Service based at the John Radcliffe Hospital. The team of Psychiatric Liaison Nurses support patients admitted to the John Radcliffe Hospital following an episode of self-harm. Patients are able to discuss the episode of self-harm and develop a supportive plan to help them cope.

Complex Needs Service (CNS) is the tier 3 (specialist community) personality disorder service for Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.

Approximately 95% of referrals will meet diagnostic criteria for Personality Disorder.  All treatment occurs in groups and CNS does not offer any one to one treatment.

They can only provide treatment for patients registered with GP practices who are members of either the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group or the Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

The Oxfordshire service is for adults of working age whilst the Buckinghamshire service also provides services for older adults.

In situations where a person is believed to present a serious risk to self or others, GP’s, psychiatrists or the nearest relative can ask for an Approved Mental Health Professional to assess the person under the Mental Health Act. They will decide whether the person needs to be detained in hospital or whether some other compulsory powers of the Mental Health Act should be used.

Specialist mental health clinical pharmacists and medicines management technicians who can provide information and advice about medicines.

Oxfordshire Early Intervention Service focuses on the early detection, rapid assessment and treatment of first episodes of psychosis in 14 to 65 year old’s in Oxfordshire. Referrals for patients aged 18—65 should be made via the local AMHT, and for under 18’s, the local CAMHS team.

Day Hospital services provide an alternative to hospital admission for people experiencing a mental health crisis. The service delivers care and treatment via a structured programme of psycho-educational groups and art/activity groups and mindfulness. Patients normally attend for 2-3 days a week over 1-3 weeks. The service takes referrals through AMHT’s and from wards at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

South Oxfordshire Adult Mental Health Team (AMHT) provide core mental health services in the community to adults of working age (between 18 – 65 years) with mental health problems. These problems can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression and other depressive disorders, to enduring anxiety. They give people the support they need to continue a full and active life in the community and work closely with GP’s, service users and carers, and other key partners to achieve this. They also provide AMHT-based psychology services.

The day hospital service provides 4 weeks support for people who require additional support and who are already receiving a service from the North & West Adult Mental Health Team. The aim of the day hospital support is to treat people within the community and to help avoid an admission to hospital.

The day hospital provides groups and individual session that are provided depending on need. These include psychoeducation sessions such as mood management and managing strong emotions. Groups also include mindful walking and art and craft sessions.

Referrals are accepted from The Adult Mental health Teams within North and West Oxfordshire, including the Early Intervention teams on 01865 902563.

Oxford City & North East Oxfordshire Adult Mental Health Team (AMHT) provide core mental health services in the community to adults of working age (between 18 – 65 years) with mental health problems. These problems can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression and other depressive disorders, to enduring anxiety and personality disorders.

Oxford City and North East Oxfordshire (AMHT) give people the support they need to continue a full and active life in the community and work closely with GP’s, service users and carers, and other key partners to achieve this. They also provide AMHT-based psychology services.

Adult Mental Health Teams provide core mental health services to adults of working age (18—65) with mental health problems. The AMHT’s provide community-based treatment, and are made up of a number of different professionals, such as social workers, Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN), psychologists and other mental health professionals.