The day hospital service provides 4 weeks support for people who require additional support and who are already receiving a service from the North & West Adult Mental Health Team. The aim of the day hospital support is to treat people within the community and to help avoid an admission to hospital.

The day hospital provides groups and individual session that are provided depending on need. These include psychoeducation sessions such as mood management and managing strong emotions. Groups also include mindful walking and art and craft sessions.

Referrals are accepted from The Adult Mental health Teams within North and West Oxfordshire, including the Early Intervention teams on 01865 902563.

Day Hospital services provide an alternative to hospital admission for people experiencing a mental health crisis. The service delivers care and treatment via a structured programme of psycho-educational groups and art/activity groups and mindfulness. Patients normally attend for 2-3 days a week over 1-3 weeks. The service takes referrals through AMHT’s and from wards at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

South Oxfordshire Adult Mental Health Team (AMHT) provide core mental health services in the community to adults of working age (between 18 – 65 years) with mental health problems. These problems can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression and other depressive disorders, to enduring anxiety. They give people the support they need to continue a full and active life in the community and work closely with GP’s, service users and carers, and other key partners to achieve this. They also provide AMHT-based psychology services.

Oxford City & North East Oxfordshire Adult Mental Health Team (AMHT) provide core mental health services in the community to adults of working age (between 18 – 65 years) with mental health problems. These problems can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression and other depressive disorders, to enduring anxiety and personality disorders.

Oxford City and North East Oxfordshire (AMHT) give people the support they need to continue a full and active life in the community and work closely with GP’s, service users and carers, and other key partners to achieve this. They also provide AMHT-based psychology services.

Adult Mental Health Teams provide core mental health services to adults of working age (18—65) with mental health problems. The AMHT’s provide community-based treatment, and are made up of a number of different professionals, such as social workers, Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN), psychologists and other mental health professionals.

Turn2us is a national charity that can help people by offering to check benefit entitlement, search for grants and information and help on financial matters.

We want to stop people being swept into poverty and give practical help to anyone already struggling to cope.

We help people find financial support such as welfare benefits, charitable grants and other support so that they can get their lives back on track.

So people can build financial sustainability and thrive, Turn2us gives people the information and support they need in the face of life-changing events, and collaborates to tackle the causes and symptoms of poverty.

Helping you deal with relationship breakdown. Offering guidance and advice in terms of children and parenting, legal and mediation, relationship and conflict, money and work, health, and housing.

POhWER delivers information, advice, support and advocacy services throughout England. They aim to support people who face difficult issues and want to make their voice heard. All POhWER’s services are free, independent and confidential.

We look at everyone who needs a helping hand through advocacy to lead independent lives and to uphold their rights.

Our mission is to empower people to have a voice and make a real difference to their lives. We do this by speaking for them when they can’t and supporting them to speak for themselves when they can.

POhWER aims to enable all who need it to have a voice, to achieve empowerment and self-help so they win respect, uphold their rights and get their essential needs met. We focus on the most excluded members of society, so they are listened to when decisions are being made about them or the services that they need.

Run by the Law Society, Find a Solicitor is a free service for anyone looking for information about organisations or people providing legal services in England and Wales that are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

If people are not eligible for legal aid, Community Legal Advice can still find ways to help by putting them in touch with the right agency or advice organisation.

Advocate is the Bar’s national charity, enabling barristers to make a contribution to the community. Facing court can be bewildering and frightening event: no one should have to experience it alone. Advocate matches members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise in deserving cases for those who are unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay.
