Community based Youth Centre for young people in the Wood Farm and Lye Valley areas of Oxford.

These are free football sessions for young people(11-19 yrs) on Tuesdays 4pm–5pm, organised by Oxford Youth Ambition.

These are free boxing sessions for young people(11-19 yrs) on Fridays 4pm–5pm, organised by Oxford Youth Ambition.

Inclusive social activities for those with disabilities and special needs (11-19yrs). Sessions are run every Monday 6-7:30pm. These are run by Oxford Youth Ambition in partnership with KEEN.

Local youth club for girls(11-19yrs) at the EMBS Community College. Meets on Wednesdays 5pm-7pm during term time. The club is run by Oxford Youth Ambition

Career and employment advice and support for 16 to 24 year olds at Rose Hill Community Centre

In-Spire Sounds was set up in 2018 by musician and producer ‘King Boyden’ in order to provide a professional recording, mixing & mastering service that is affordable and supportive of community and charitable activities. Their ‘Inspiring Change Through Music’ project is one of the main aspects of community/youth work that they do. They work with young people between the ages of 12 and 25 in Oxfordshire who face a range of adversities such as mental health difficulties, economic deprivation, homelessness and exploitation. They support them through 121 sessions, mentoring, supportive groups sessions and specialised projects, promoting inclusion and access to music. They believe that music is a key therapeutic tool and, through the process of creating music, they can help inspire these young people, build their confidence and resilience and make positive changes in their lives.

A holistic space for families offering play therapy sessions and parenting support at Oxsrad Sports Centre

The Oxford Education Deanery aim to work effectively with local schools to improve educational outcomes.
They facilitate the continuing professional development of teachers at all career stages in local schools by engaging them in research and providing various training courses.

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the front door to Children’s Social Care for all child protection and immediate safeguarding concerns. It is a link between universal services such as schools and GP’s and statutory services such as police and social care.