Adventure Plus helps children and young people reach their potential and make positive life choices, whilst giving them a great time in the great outdoors! They want to see young people embrace the adventures that life offers. They are passionate about helping them get active, push themselves and learn more about who they are and what they are capable of – all within the bigger perspective of the Christian faith, which is at the heart of what they do.
Their home is their Adventure Base, an 80 acre site in Clanfield, West Oxfordshire, where they welcome young people, families, schools, youth groups, churches and businesses. They also go on adventures across the UK and further afield.
The vision of African Families in the UK (AFiUK) is to equip African and other ethnic minority families in the UK to take their rightful place as fruitful members of our society, and to make the most of the available opportunities in their adopted country without adversely affecting the strong family and community networks that Africans are known for.
AFiUK aims be the one-stop place for families of African and other ethnic minority origin, resident in the UK, seeking advice or information, on matters relating to parenting, children’s education and any family-friendly activities that enrich family life.
They also offer consultation and expert knowledge to professionals and practitioners from Local Authorities and other family support agencies.
Active Oxfordshire is a local charity dedicated to fighting inactivity and tackling inequality. Their vision is for everyone in Oxfordshire to be physically active. They are one of 42 Active Partnerships in the country and work with local partners and Sport England to increase physical activity. They focus their efforts on targeting people and under-represented groups who will benefit most from an active lifestyle.
Each year Abingdon Drama Club produces three shows at the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon. An eclectic mix of modern dramas, classics and comedies. Every other year the club produces its very popular pantomime.
The Abingdon Damascus Youth Project (a voluntary and registered charity) prides itself on enabling young people to make a positive difference within their own communities. Their team is made up of enthusiastic, qualified youth workers who have a passion for seeing change in young people’s lives.
What they do:
- 121 support Group work
- Issue based workshops (sexual health, substances, social media, money management etc)
- Youth Drop-Ins Detached Youth Work Education
- Employment, Training Support Intergenerational events
- Sports
- Youth Ambassadors
St Mungo’s work with clients to build a sustained recovery, progressing from basic skills to more vocational training, such as learning trade or administrative skills. Their ultimate aim is to get clients back into employment, which helps them build confidence and independence.
North Oxfordshire Older Adults Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) provide core mental health services in the community to adults of working age (between 18 – 65 years) with mental health problems. These problems can range from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression and other depressive disorders, to enduring anxiety and personality disorders.
North Oxfordshire Older Adults Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) provide mental health services in the community to people who are over 65 years old, who are experiencing functional or organic mental health problems. They also support younger people with dementia.
Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) provide treatment and support for adults over the age of 65 who have mental health problems or dementia, and younger people with dementia.