Hook Norton Baptist Church provide a youth group. The group starts at 5:30pm on Monday evenings during school time with something to eat. They have some fun with games and then sit down to talk about things. Aimed at 11 to 14 year olds, but open to similar ages.

Meetings: 7pm – 9pm Tuesday Evenings(term time) – Ages – 6 to 16 yrs

Home-Start works with families in communities right across the UK. Starting in the home, their approach is as individual as the people they’re helping. No judgement, it is just compassionate, confidential help and expert support.

Educational Psychologists are highly skilled professionals who help people to understand how they think, feel, learn and behave. They work with children and young people aged 0-25 years in a range of settings, including nurseries, mainstream schools, special schools and colleges. Their work can be undertaken at the individual, class or whole-school level.
They work with children and young people who may be experiencing difficulties in their learning, behaviour, social interaction, communication, emotional well-being, physical or sensory skills.
Educational Psychologists are highly skilled professionals who help people to understand how they think, feel, learn and behave. They work with children and young people aged 0-25 years in a range of settings, including nurseries, mainstream schools, special schools and colleges. Their work can be undertaken at the individual, class or whole-school level.
They work with children and young people who may be experiencing difficulties in their learning, behaviour, social interaction, communication, emotional well-being, physical or sensory skills.

Home-Start Oxford is a voluntary organisation providing non-judgmental, compassionate, confidential and individual support to families who are going through tough times, and have at least one child under 5. Home-Start Oxford supports families in Oxford, and the centre and west of the county including Wheatley, Islip, Kidlington, Woodstock, Witney, Carterton and Burford.

Home-Start Oxford is a voluntary organisation providing non-judgmental, compassionate, confidential and individual support to families who are going through tough times, and have at least one child under 5. Home-Start Oxford supports families in Oxford, and the centre and west of the county including Wheatley, Islip, Kidlington, Woodstock, Witney, Carterton and Burford.

The Anna Freud Centre is an evidence-based mental health charity supporting children young people and their families. Their support includes free resources for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals supporting families including nurseries, schools and colleges and mental health professionals.

Children Inspired by Yoga (formerly Tatty Bumpkin) Oxford provides children’s yoga & mindfulness sessions in primary schools, and yoga-inspired, movement & relaxation sessions in nurseries  and preschools throughout Oxfordshire.

Oxfordshire Discovery College think that learning together about mental health is the best way to tackle difficult feelings, and is also a great way to connect with other people, so they provide lived-experience-led learning programmes exploring mental health topics.