Oxfordshire County Council Education Employment and Training Team
Supports young people aged 16-18 (up to 25 with learning difficulties or disabilities) who are Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) to access a suitable offer of learning or employment with training, including apprenticeships. One to one meetings, drop-ins, case work and more to support young people to re-engage with learning and address difficulties and barriers.
How to Access this Service
Report your learning destination www.oxme.info/register
Self-refer direct to EET services via the oxme website www.oxme.info/learn/eet-support-service/register
They offer:
• 1-1 support
• drop-ins
• support to address barriers to seeking employment
Click on Live Chat on any page on www.oxme.info to access advisers
Who is it for?
Young people aged 16-18 (up to 25 with learning difficulties or disabilities) who are not in education, employment or training