Oxfordshire Roads to Recovery – Turning Point

Oxfordshire Roads to Recovery – Turning Point


Turning Point is a county wide integrated alcohol and drugs service which was authorised by Oxfordshire City Council. They offer support to individuals throughout Oxfordshire at dedicated Recovery Hubs in: Oxford, Banbury, Didcot, and Witney.

The aim is to support and encourage people to achieve their recovery. The team across Oxfordshire includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, recovery workers, support workers, complementary therapists, peer mentor volunteers, counsellors and trainers.

Referrals are accepted from individuals, organisations and family/friends.

How to Access this Service

You can either phone their general help number below or email them.

Each local hub have their own contact details as well.


Each of the 4 local hubs provide services, these are:

Open Access Sessions for all.
Harm Reduction.
Structured Groupwork Programme.
Recovery Support & Aftercare.
ETE Services.
Specialist Nursing Staff.
A Revitalised Shared Care Service.
Peer Mentoring Programme.
Dedicated Recovery Workers.
Activities & Trips.
Detox and Rehab residential services (Any referral to residential services must be discussed with the local service).

Organisation: Turning Point Oxfordshire
Standon House21 Mansell StreetLondonOxfordshireE1 8AAUK
03000 134776

Who is it for?

Anyone looking to recover from a drug/alcohol addiction.

Updated on October 8, 2020

Oxfordshire Roads to Recovery – Turning Point Image
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