Oxfordshire Mind – Information Service
For any mental health enquiry, large or small, Oxfordshire Mind provide information and signposting to mental health services for people living in Oxfordshire. The service can answer specific questions about mental health or mental health services or tell them about your situation and they will suggest some options for getting you help and support. Options sessions are open to anyone over 16 years living in Oxfordshire who wants information and support around their mental health. If you are worried about your own mental health, this can be a good place to start getting help.
Options sessions take place over the telephone or in person at one of our venues in Abingdon, Banbury, Bicester, Witney or Cowley in Oxford. To arrange an Options session, call the Information Line on 01865 247 788. You can also call into a Wellbeing service hub in Oxford City, Witney and Abingdon. Call our Information Line for details of these centres or visit our Contact page on our website.
Updated on October 6, 2022