Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Services
The Wellbeing Service is open to anyone over 18 and is accessed through an Options session. Options sessions are a conversation (face to face or by telephone) with a Mind Wellbeing Worker to explore a person’s mental health, wellbeing and what might be helpful. Options sessions can be booked via the Information Service.
Wellbeing services are run across Oxfordshire in various locations including our hubs in Oxford, Abingdon, Banbury & Witney and community settings. Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Workers and Benefits Advisors are also based within the three Adult Mental Health Teams. The OMHP Wellbeing Services include: the information service and signposting, free courses on topics like managing stress and becoming more assertive, peer support groups for people with a shared experience of mental health problems, Walking for Wellbeing, expert benefits advice for people with mental health problems (provided by Benefits for Better Mental Health), Stepping into Wellbeing (Day Hospital in Oxford) and Oxford & Banbury Safe Havens. Please see Oxfordshire Mind Services section for more details.
To book an Options Session or for more information about mental health services call the Oxfordshire Mind Information Line on 01865 247 788, which is open Monday to Thursday between 9.30am and 4.30pm and Fridays between 9:30am and 4:00pm.