Options Wellbeing Trust

Options Wellbeing Trust


Options counselling service provides individuals aged 18 and over who need counselling support for any number of issues from life changing decisions to the smallest, seemingly insignificant aspects of everyday life which can leave someone feeling confused, depressed and unhappy.

Our counsellors are qualified and experienced professionals who provide confidential one to one counselling using a range of approaches, including use of CBT techniques, for a wide variety of issues including Depression, Stress & Anxiety, Relationships, Loss and Bereavement, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Gambling and many more.

We offer FREE gambling Support and Counselling to anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s Gambling.

This can include:

a) People who are finding their Gambling is becoming problematic & getting out of control
b) Partners
c) Family members
d) Business partners/ work colleagues and anyone who is affected by the Gambler

How to Access this Service

For more information or to access this service please telephone our Head Office, send an email or visit our website where you will also find a contact us form.


Organisation: Options Wellbeing Trust
147 Shirley RoadSouthamptonHampshireSO15 3FHUK
023 8063 0219

Updated on November 17, 2020

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