Mind & Response Housing Partnership


Provides a range of supported accommodation options for people with mental health and housing needs in Oxfordshire.

The OMHP provides a housing and support programme for people with mental health problems in Oxfordshire, funded by the NHS and Oxfordshire County Council and delivered by four organisations: Oxfordshire Mind, Response, Elmore and Connection. They provide a range of housing and support options from accommodation with 24-hour staff cover to floating support for people living in their own homes. Services aim to help people to live in the community and to achieve recovery.

One may apply for these services using a single referral form which is available from any of the four organisations listed above.

Oxfordshire Mind and Response provide supported housing, and have a joint referral system. Enquiries or referrals should be directed to either of their Referrals Co-ordinators.


Organisation: Oxfordshire Mind
2 Kings MeadowOsney MeadOxford OX2 0DPUK
General enquiries: 01865 263 759
Referrals Coordinator: 01865 797751

Updated on August 14, 2024

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