If you are being seen by Adult Mental Health Services [AMHT]


If you are currently in contact with mental health services in Oxfordshire, please refer to your Care Plan for information about what you should do if you are feeling more unwell or unsafe. Your Care Plan will contain helpful instructions about how to help yourself in a crisis and who to contact for further assistance.

Your local Adult Mental Health Team is available to be contacted 7 days a week from 7am until 9pm:

  • Oxford City and North East Oxon: 01865 902200
  • North West Oxon: 01865 902563
  • South Oxon: 01865 904191

Overnight, from 9pm until 7am, the Night Team based at the Warneford Hospital can be contacted on 01865 901000 in the event of a mental health crisis that cannot wait for contact with your usual care team.

If you have been discharged from mental health services in the past 12 months and have concerns that your mental health is getting worse, you can contact the team you were discharged from for advice and self-referral. If you need help and advice overnight you can contact the Night Team, as above.

If you have never been under the care of one of our teams, or have not been for the past year, please make use of the information on the following website www.omhp.org.uk/in-an-emergency/ regarding self-help and local support services, or contact your GP, or call 111.


Updated on October 7, 2020

If you are being seen by Adult Mental Health Services [AMHT] Image
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