Hearing Impairment Team
If you have mental health needs relating to deafness, please contact the Hearing Impairment Team.
Countywide service, based in Abingdon. Staff will make appointments to see you at the office or in your own home or talk with you via phone, text, fax or e-mail.
They can advise and support people of all ages with hearing, problems, including equipment assessment e.g. to improve your access to TV, doorbell, telephone etc.
The Hearing Impairment Team can advise on deaf issues e.g. equal access to services. Deaf Children and their Families e.g. support regarding available options and equipment. Deaf Parents e.g. access to support services, equipment. Information on all aspects of hearing loss.
Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council
Hearing Impairment Team Social & Community Services Abbey HouseAbbey CloseAbingdonOX14 3JDUK
01865 894925