Green Gym

Green Gym


Green Gyms are free outdoor sessions where you will be guided in practical activities such as planting trees, sowing meadows and establishing wildlife ponds. Unlike other conservation projects, the emphasis is very much on health and fitness – volunteers warm up and cool down in preparation for a range of light to vigorous activities to suit all abilities. By taking part, participants are encouraged to make positive changes to their lifestyle, such as walking and cycling more.


Abingdon Green Gym:
Bicester Green Gym:
Chipping Norton Green Gym:
Sonning Common Green Gym:
Wallingford Green Gym:

How to Access this Service

Ring or Email


Green Gyms enhance mental wellbeing through increased contact with nature, the social benefits of group activity and helping people contribute something positive to their community.

Organisation: Green Gym
Sonning Common Green Gym 0118 972 3528
Abingdon Green Gym 01235 553668

Updated on October 7, 2020

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