Elmore Community Services

Elmore Community Services


Elmore works directly with people falling through the gaps of existing services, supporting them to tackle their problems, improve their lives, and feel part of their communities. They also identify gaps and barriers in current services and worth with individuals and systems to address these. This can include individual and collective advocacy alongside clients, as well as research, lobbying, partnership-building and piloting new initiatives and projects to benefit our client group.

How to Access this Service

They encourage people to self-refer if they can, so that they can have a conversation with them and see whether they are the right team for them. Elmore take self-referrals each day between 10am and 12.30pm. Alternatively, professionals can refer someone they are working with by using the referral form on their website.


Within their services, they support people aged 16 plus with multiple and complex needs arising from combinations of issues, who are struggling to engage with other services and have significant unmet needs. Issues include mental health, homelessness, addictions, learning and communication difficulties, domestic violence, exploitation, physical health, brain injury, social isolation, offending and anti-social behaviour, child protection and family breakdown.

They offer flexible support for people with a lot going on. Clients meet regularly with their allocated worker/s and decide with them what support best suits their needs. This could be around their mental or physical health, finances, housing, training and education, or anything else that is relevant to them. Elmore can work with people for a short time, or over longer periods. They have a number of teams working with complex needs, mental health, tenancy sustainment and childhood sexual exploitation and the criteria for these projects varies. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you would like to discuss a potential referral. Their Mental Health and Complex Needs teams are part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP).

Organisation: Elmore Community Services
Elmore Community Services174B Cowley RdCowleyOxford OxfordshireOX4 1UEUK
01865 200130

Who is it for?

16+ but dependent on team.

Updated on November 27, 2020

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