Day Hospital (Oxford City and North East Oxford AMHT)

Day Hospital (Oxford City and North East Oxford AMHT)


Day Hospital services provide an alternative to hospital admission for people experiencing a mental health crisis. The service delivers care and treatment via a structured programme of psycho-educational groups and art/activity groups and mindfulness. Patients normally attend for 2-3 days a week over 1-3 weeks. The service takes referrals through AMHT’s and from wards at the John Radcliffe Hospital.


Cotswold house
Oxford Health Foundation Trust
Warneford Hospital
Complex Needs

Organisation: Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Warneford HospitalWarneford LaneHeadington Oxford OX3 7JXUK
01865 902224

Updated on November 29, 2019

Day Hospital (Oxford City and North East Oxford AMHT) Image
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