Carers Direct NHS

Carers Direct NHS


Carers Direct is an NHS helpline providing information, advice and support on carers’ issues but is not able to provide on-going casework.

This includes information on assessments, benefits, direct payments, individual budgets, time off, work or education.

They can put you in touch with specialist national or local sources of help, including carers’ centres, social care and self-help networks.


How to Access this Service

Please call, use the email contact form linked below, or use the Webchat function. EMAIL WEBCHAT


You can call the Carers Direct helpline if you need help with your caring role and want to talk to someone about what options are available to you.

The helpline and webchat are available between Monday-Friday 9am to 8pm and at weekends between 11am and 4pm.

Organisation: Carers Direct NHS
 0300 123 1053

Who is it for?

Anyone needing support with their caring role.

Updated on January 29, 2021

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