
Peeple is a charity whose main purpose is to support parents/carers, babies and children to learn together by valuing and building on what families already do. Peep practitioners and families share information and ideas from their evidence-based Peep Learning Together Programme about how to make the most of the learning opportunities that surround us in everyday life and play.


  • train and support over 1,000 practitioners every year
  • are also a delivery organisation, based in Oxford, where they work directly with local families
  • run the Little Peeple Nursery for Oxfordshire families
  • are involved in research through the evaluation of their programmes and projects, and they work to influence policy both locally and nationally.


Organisation: Peeple
The Peeple Centre, Northfield CloseOxford OX4 4NHUK
01865 395 145

Who is it for?

• Their Oxfordshire family delivery services are for families with children 0-3 years old and are restricted to certain areas/postcodes.

• Their Little Peeple Nursery, based in Littlemore, is for children 6 months to 4 years.

• Their training courses are for adults and are run nationally, and online.

Updated on April 13, 2022

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