SAFE! Support for Young People Affected by Crime

SAFE! Support for Young People Affected by Crime


SAFE! works with young people who have been harmed by crime and bullying. SAFE! provides individually tailored support to help young people cope without responding physically or internalising their feelings; develop strategies to report incidents; and realise it is not their fault if they have been hurt. SAFE! uses protective behaviours and restorative approaches to aid recovery. Without timely support their experience can lead to further problems including absence from school or work.

How to Access this Service

By using the contact details below.


All of the work that SAFE! does aims to work towards our vision that children and young people feel safe, thrive and achieve their potential.

Organisation: SAFE! Support for Young People Affected by Crime
Unit 9 – Standingford House26 Cave Street, St ClementsOxford OxfordshireOX4 1BAUK
01865 582495

Who is it for?

SAFE! has two core services for children and families living anywhere in the Thames Valley:

The Young Victim Service provides support to children aged 5 to 18 who have been harmed by an experience of victimisation.

The Building Respectful Families Service provides support to families experiencing Child on Parent Violence.

Updated on February 9, 2022

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