Oxford Contemporary Music

Oxford Contemporary Music


Oxford Contemporary Music believe in the ability of the arts to empower people and communities through self-expression, to allow people to question, imagine, challenge and dream.

This is done by:

• Supporting artists in their professional and creative development.
• Forging inspiring partnerships that cross conventional boundaries within music, the arts and beyond the arts.
• Presenting excellent work from the UK and abroad that is highly engaging, relevant and accessible to diverse audiences.
• Developing and using innovative approaches to presentation and interaction.
• Developing and delivering participation projects with schools and community groups that nurture skills and offer personal fulfilment.



Organisation: Oxford Contemporary Music
Oxford Brookes University, OCM, Room 136-137, Headington Hill Hall, Headington Hill CampusOxfordOX3 0BPUK
01865 484 777

Updated on April 13, 2022

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