Oxford Against Cutting
Oxford Against Cutting (OAC) is a rights-based charity working to end harmful cultural practices suffered by girls and women living in the Thames Valley.
These include:
• Female genital mutilation (FGM)
• Honour-based abuse (HBA) and early and forced marriage (EFM)
• Female cosmetic genital surgery.
Their mission is to end cultural practices that harm girls and women by:
• Providing education
• Supporting survivors
• Raising awareness of support services
• Empowering young people to champion initiatives against harmful practices
People from affected communities and young people are at the forefront of our activities.
How to Access this Service
Please call or email with the details below.
• Professionals training/community workshops on FGM and Forced Marriage
• Primary school lessons for Key Stage 1 on staying safe and tackling sexual harm (lesson is based on the NSPCC PANTS campaign)
• Lessons for Years 5 and 6 on human rights and FGM
• Lessons for Year 7+ on FGM
• Body image workshops for year 8+ (include learning on FGM, female cosmetic genital surgery, unrealistic expectations for body images shown online and how pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviour)
Who is it for?
People from affected communities and young people are at the forefront of their activities.