Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) (Oxford)

Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) (Oxford)


Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) provide treatment and support for adults over the age of 65 who have mental health problems or dementia, and younger people with dementia.

How to Access this Service

Referral is via the GP. 


Teams provide assessment and diagnosis, psychological intervention, medication management and general advice. They also provide memory clinics for the diagnosis, assessment and management of dementia.

Organisation: Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)
Manzil WayOxfordOX4 1XEUK
01865 904 010

Updated on October 8, 2020

Central Oxfordshire Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) (Oxford) Image
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