Caring for Ex-Offenders (CFEO)

Caring for Ex-Offenders (CFEO) connects someone coming out of prison with a local church community in order to better assist that person’s resettlement into society.
CFEO does not provide employment or accommodation. They work closely with other organisations and signpost people to the appropriate help where necessary.
CFEO is a self-referral organisation. They ask that any individuals they work with express a desire to change, the first step of which is demonstrated by filling in our referral form themselves. The individual does not need to be a Christian to refer to CFEO, we are happy to support anyone who is willing to engage with a church community.
Organisation: Caring for Ex-Offenders
Brompton RoadKnightsbridgeLondonSW7 1JAUK
020 7052 0332
Updated on October 6, 2020