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Mayday Trust

The Personal Transitions Service (PTS) is an evidence based person-led, transitional and strength-based approach to working alongside people experiencing tough times. The PTS is based on the belief that these times should be a brief transition in a person’s life and not an identity. They can only accept referrals for housing through the Oxfordshire Homeless ...

O'Hanlon House

O’Hanlon House is open around the clock; the hostel has 56 rooms offering safety, warmth and specialist support. As well as providing accommodation the hostel also supports homeless people via; A Day Service for 80 where clients can access hot nutritional food, showers, change of clothes and support from Outreach. An overnight sit-up service for ...

Access to Work (South East England)

Access to Work can help you if your health or disability affects the way you do your job. It gives you and your employer advice and support with extra costs which may arise because of your needs. An Access to Work Grant can pay for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental ...


Aspire provides people with work experience and training, and supports them in applying for work. Aspire supports adults over 18 who have experienced adversity and are committed to making positive changes to their lives (e.g. people who have experienced homelessness, ex-offenders, ex-addicts). Referrals are by a professional representative (e.g. a support worker at a shelter). ...

Ruskin College Oxford

Ruskin College offers residential adult learning to people of all ages and backgrounds.  The College aims to provide education and inclusion opportunities to adults, particularly those who may be excluded or disadvantaged. ...

Oxford Street Population Outreach Team (OxSPOT)

Helps people sleeping rough in the city by providing outreach, assessments and reconnection. Work with clients on their immediate and long term holistic needs. The team work closely with partner agencies, including Luther Street Medical Centre, mental health services and Turning Point to ensure that all clients have access to health and welfare services. Clients ...

Matilda House

Complex building – Short term accommodation for vulnerable homeless people with complex needs. Offering 22 single rooms with on suite facilities within clusters that house between 3 -6 people that are expected to share a kitchen and cater for themselves. We house both men and women but have two dedicated women’s only clusters. To be ...
020 8825 1860

Talk to Frank

Talk to Frank is a national drugs helpline which offers free confidential drugs information and advice 24 hours a day. Information and advice is also available on their website. ...
0300 123 6600
SMS/Text 82111

Volunteer Link Up

Volunteer Link Up is the volunteer centre for West Oxfordshire, linking people interested in volunteering with local residents and charitable organisations that need their services. They also work with organisations to develop volunteering opportunities, ensuring high standards in volunteer management. ...

Steppin' Stone Centre

Day centre providing a place of safety but also a place from which to change and move forward positively in life. For people over 18, who are homeless or vulnerably housed. The centre provides healthy food, practical help, companionship, learning and work related skills and opportunities for development. Access is on a membership basis and ...

The Vineyard (Vale of White Horse)

Provides accommodation to single, homeless adults over 18 years old, with medium to high support needs. Max stay 2 years. The project has 13 self contained one bed flats and one assessment bed for rough sleepers. The scheme is designed to enable service users to acquire the skills to move onto independent housing. Informal enquiries ...

West Oxfordshire Single Homeless Pathway

Semi-independent housing, supporting vulnerable and excluded people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 26 beds, 19 of which are reserved for young people aged 16-25. Using a person centred approach, staff support clients to address issues around meaningful use of time and wellbeing. Projects in Witney, Carterton and Chipping Norton. Referrals are made ...


Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support and legal services and they campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to us for help. For any housing or homelessness query, Shelter’s trained advisor’s can offer immediate practical assistance, explain your ...

StepChange Debt Charity

For over 25 years, StepChange Debt Charity has been helping people resolve problems, repay debts and rebuild lives. As the UK’s largest provider of genuinely free independent debt advice and managed solutions, they help 620,000 people a year deal with problem debt. They provide expert tailored advice over the phone or online, as well as ...

Energy Saving Trust

Energy Saving Trust is a social enterprise with office in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can get help around some useful money saving ways of improving your energy usage, such as insulating your home, renewable energy and souring financial support in the form of grants loans and support schemes. ...

National Debtline

The National Debt line is a charity and the advice they can give is free of charge. They are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Their services include a budget tool to help you work out what you have coming in, how much you are spending and what you have left to pay your ...
0800 197 6026
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