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Friends in Need

Friends in Need is a way for people affected by depression to meet online, to help maintain recovery, meet new people and share experiences. This online community was created by the Depression Alliance. Following a merger between the Depression Alliance and Mind, it is now facilitated by Mind. (Friends in Need also have self-help groups ...

CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) Central Oxfordshire

CAMHS aims to make sure than no one goes without the support they need. In Oxfordshire they provide a wide range of mental health services for children and young people (CAMHS) and community services. CAMHS offers two pathways for providing mental health services for children and adolescents. The CAMHS – Getting Help pathway provides an ...
01865 902 515 Single Point of Access referral line
01865 902 720 Central Oxfordshire CAMHS

Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Services

The Wellbeing Service is open to anyone over 18 and is accessed through an Options session. Options sessions are a conversation (face to face or by telephone) with a Mind Wellbeing Worker to explore a person’s mental health, wellbeing and what might be helpful. Options sessions can be booked via the Information Service. Wellbeing services ...

South Oxfordshire and Vale Wellbeing Hub (Abingdon)

Oxfordshire Mind has Wellbeing Hubs in Abingdon, Banbury, Oxford and Witney, which are part of the Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Service, split into three localities. Wellbeing Hubs provide peer support groups, a programme of short courses and workshops designed to promote wellbeing and many creative activities and groups. Some Peer support groups also take place in ...

Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Services

Oxfordshire Mind provides a wide range of services for children, young people and adults who want to improve or maintain their wellbeing and mental health. Sessions are run across Oxfordshire, to find out more and access our services, please contact our Information Line who can arrange an Options session and give you further details. Options ...

stay brave

If you experience a mental health crisis at the weekend, you can self refer to Oxford Safe Haven by calling 01865 903 037. Safe Haven is a non-clinical, face to face safe space to get short-term support in mental health crisis when other services are not available. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 6pm-10pm. To access ...
Telephone: 01865 903037
Mobile: 07710 092849 Lines are only open from 5pm on the day of the service.

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Project

The Physical Activity and Wellbeing Project at Oxfordshire Mind offers support to those that want to become more active, as well as a variety of sport and physical activity sessions. The project is part of our campaign to give everyone the opportunity to improve their physical health. We can suggest something for everyone, regardless of ...

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Oxfordshire Mind works with employers across the county to help them improve workplace wellbeing, improving staff understanding of mental health problems and support for people. Provide posters for your staff room or intranet promoting the Information Service. Adopt the Five Ways to Wellbeing for your wellbeing events to encourage staff to take care of their ...


Whether you want to run, cycle, disco, raffle or rumba for us, download our fundraising pack and tell us what you are doing, and we will send you some fundraising freebies. Every penny you fund-raise for us will help us help even more people who are affected by mental health problems, and we are incredibly ...

Supported Housing Service

Oxfordshire Mind’s Supported Housing Service offers accommodation with support in Oxford City and in West and South Oxfordshire. Staff are available Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm with an on-call service out of hours for emergencies. Accommodation is provided in various settings including large and small shared houses and self-contained flats. The service is aimed ...
General enquiries: 01865 538 019
Referrals Co-ordinator: 01865 538 021

Workplace Training (Delivered by Oxfordshire Mind)

This service provides mental health training and support to help businesses create and maintain a positive working environment, enabling everyone to reach their potential. Courses provided: Understanding Mental Health; Workplace Wellbeing; Tools for Managers; Five Ways to Wellbeing; Suicide Prevention Awareness; Wellbeing for Freelancers and Self-Employed; Bespoke. These are delivered as full or half day ...

Children & Young People Services

We work with schools, colleges, CAMHS, local authorities, and third sector partners including Oxfordshire Youth to improve services for children and young people and campaign for positive change. Our services support children and young people to increase their knowledge and coping skills including innovative courses like Boxing and Wellbeing. We are offering new provision supporting ...

The Mill (Oxford City Wellbeing Hub)

Oxfordshire Mind has Wellbeing Hubs in Abingdon, Banbury, Oxford and Witney, which are part of the Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Service, split into three localities. Wellbeing Hubs provide peer support groups, a programme of short courses and workshops designed to promote wellbeing and many creative activities and groups. Some Peer support groups also take place in ...

The Help Hub

Registered Charity ‘The Help Hub’ offers a low cost face-to-face and online counselling service. They support adults in Oxfordshire who are either unable to access or cannot afford therapy. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday including evenings with two consulting rooms for face to face sessions based in Woodstock. Current availability allows us to see ...
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