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CAMHS Outreach Service

OSCA stands for Outreach Service for Children & Adolescents. The OSCA Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides an outreach service which supports children and families with complex mental health needs, who need intensive support. The service also provides a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) programme. ...

The Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership

The Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership is an award winning partnership that formally brings together six mental health organisations from the NHS and the charity sector: Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxfordshire Mind, Response, Connection Floating Support, Elmore Community Services and Restore to make it easier for people with mental health problems to get the best ...

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust provide physical, mental health and social care for people of all ages across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset. Their services are delivered at community bases, hospitals, clinics and in people’s homes. They focus on delivering care as close to home as possible. ...


Restore is an Oxfordshire-based mental health charity that provides Recovery projects together with Root and Branch and Bridewell Organic Gardens which helps people take control of their recovery, develop skills and lead meaningful lives. Restore supports people with mental ill health through Therapeutic Activity and Employment Coaching. It also offers Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) ...
General enquiries: 01865 455839
Referrals: 01865 455823

Response - Home Support

Response provides home support to people with complex health needs such as mental and physical illness, learning disabilities or dementia. Staff can support individuals with physical tasks such as washing and getting dressed as well as social/practical tasks like collecting benefits or shopping. ...

Response - Independent Housing

Response – Independent Housing is a long-term shared accommodation for people with mental health problems and low income support needs across Oxfordshire. Intensive Housing management is provided, no staff on site. This accommodation is based in Oxford and Banbury. ...
Reception 01865 397940

Response - Long-Term Supported Housing

Response Long-Term Supported Housing provide support for adults with longer-term needs. A personal budget may need to be applied for and be in place before accessing this service. There are 30 places of shared and self-contained accommodation in Oxford City and Littlemore. ...
Mind Response Referrals Coordinator: 01865 397951

Restore Coaching Service

Across the county, Restore offer one-to-one coaching sessions to support people to gain – and retain – employment, start volunteering, go on a training course or re-enter education. Within this they can offer shorter or longer-term involvement, depending on individual need. This service is also available within their Recovery Groups. Additionally, Restore have Employment Advisors ...
General enquiries: 01866 455839
Referrals: 01865 455823

Restore Recovery Groups

Restore has six Recovery Groups across Oxfordshire. The Recovery Groups offer a therapeutic work environment that is supportive, creative, purposeful and fun. They offer opportunities to socialise and learn new skills in horticulture, printing, cooking, marketing, woodwork and other crafts. Group members decide together what activities they will do. Referrals can be made by GP, ...
General enquiries: 01867 455839

Oxfordshire Recovery College

At Oxfordshire Recovery College they offer courses and workshops about mental health and wellbeing. Their courses are available either online or in person at venues across Oxfordshire. Their subjects include Understanding Anxiety and Depression, Sleep and Wellbeing and Gender, Sexuality and Mental Health. Their key value is coproduction – all their courses are designed and ...

Connection Support

At Connection Support our team of staff members and volunteers provide expert support to vulnerable people with complex and challenging needs across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Milton Keynes.Our aim is to solve homelessness and achieve independence for all our clients, and to do that we provide a wide range of services which offer support with homelessness, ...

Elmore Community Services

Elmore works directly with people falling through the gaps of existing services, supporting them to tackle their problems, improve their lives, and feel part of their communities. They also identify gaps and barriers in current services and worth with individuals and systems to address these. This can include individual and collective advocacy alongside clients, as ...

Oxfordshire Mind Wellbeing Services

The Wellbeing Service is open to anyone over 18 and is accessed through an Options session. Options sessions are a conversation (face to face or by telephone) with a Mind Wellbeing Worker to explore a person’s mental health, wellbeing and what might be helpful. Options sessions can be booked via the Information Service. Wellbeing services ...

Mind & Response Housing Partnership

Provides a range of supported accommodation options for people with mental health and housing needs in Oxfordshire. The OMHP provides a housing and support programme for people with mental health problems in Oxfordshire, funded by the NHS and Oxfordshire County Council and delivered by four organisations: Oxfordshire Mind, Response, Elmore and Connection. They provide a ...
General enquiries: 01865 263 759
Referrals Coordinator: 01865 797751

Supported Housing Service

Oxfordshire Mind’s Supported Housing Service offers accommodation with support in Oxford City and in West and South Oxfordshire. Staff are available Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm with an on-call service out of hours for emergencies. Accommodation is provided in various settings including large and small shared houses and self-contained flats. The service is aimed ...
General enquiries: 01865 538 019
Referrals Co-ordinator: 01865 538 021