Oxfordshire County Council is providing a new integrated service from the Children & Family Centres across Oxfordshire. They are providing support and advice to children and families, with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family. Staff based at the Children and Family Centres will work closely with their partner agencies to provide a range ...
Oxfordshire County Council is providing a new integrated service from the Children & Family Centres across Oxfordshire. They are providing support and advice to children and families, with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family. Staff based at the Children and Family Centres will work closely with their partner agencies to provide a range ...
Oxfordshire County Council is providing a new integrated service from the Children & Family Centres across Oxfordshire. They are providing support and advice to children and families, with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family. Staff based at the Children and Family Centres will work closely with their partner agencies to provide a range ...
Oxfordshire County Council is providing a new integrated service from the Children and Family Centres across Oxfordshire. They are providing support and advice to children and families, with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family. Staff based at the Children and Family Centres will work closely with their partner agencies to provide a range of ...
Oxfordshire County Council is providing a new integrated service from the Children & Family Centres across Oxfordshire. They are providing support and advice to children and families, with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family. Staff based at the Children and Family Centres will work closely with their partner agencies to provide a range ...
Supports young people aged 16-18 (up to 25 with learning difficulties or disabilities) who are Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) to access a suitable offer of learning or employment with training, including apprenticeships. One to one meetings, drop-ins, case work and more to support young people to re-engage with learning and address difficulties ...
Topaz is a collection of people; staff and volunteers, who run TOPAZ with and for young people who would like a safe space to explore their feelings and gain a better understanding of themselves. Topaz is a social group for young people aged 13-25 who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or who are questioning ...
CAMHS aims to make sure than no one goes without the support they need. In Oxfordshire they provide a wide range of mental health services for children and young people (CAMHS) and community services. CAMHS offers two pathways for providing mental health services for children and adolescents. The CAMHS – Getting Help pathway provides an ...
01865 902 515 (Single Point of Access referral line)
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Learning Disability Service provides assessment, treatment and support for young people (up to 18 years) with learning disabilities who have mental health needs or complex behavioural difficulties, a diagnosed learning disability or significant impairment of intellectual and social adaptive functioning, or had an assessment which indicates that other ...
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Neuropsychiatry Service provides assessment, treatment and support for young people (up to 18 years) with complex Neuropsychiatry needs, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Tourette’s Syndrome who are presenting with high risk behaviours and/or have come into contact with the youth justice system. ...
A mental health team, with expertise in attachment, family trauma, and family relationships – their focus is on the emotional side of parenting. They help families plan for their future when there has been concern about risk or harm to the children in the past. They aim to reduce the negative consequences of harm to ...
IPPS offers support to parents of any age or gender in the antenatal (from 12 weeks pregnant) and postnatal period (up to 12 months post-natal). We cover Oxfordshire. The service is multi-professional and includes a senior clinical psychologist two community mental health nurses, a mental health practitioner, a child and adolescent psychotherapist in training and ...
Educational Psychologists are highly skilled professionals who help people to understand how they think, feel, learn and behave. They work with children and young people aged 0-25 years in a range of settings, including nurseries, mainstream schools, special schools and colleges. Their work can be undertaken at the individual, class or whole-school level. They work ...
The Highfield Unit Oxford is a state-of-the-art NHS facility providing specialist inpatient services for young people aged 11 to 18 with acute mental health needs. A safe environment: We provide safe and supportive environment while young people are in the most vulnerable stage of their illness Individualised care:Our team offers individualised care for each young person. ...
Carers Voice Oxfordshire acts as a voice for unpaid carers of adults of family members or friends who have caring needs. This could be a learning/physical disability or a mental health problem. They offer advice, information, consultation and support for carers, supporting their needs and ensuring their views are heard by voluntary, professional and statutory ...
Abingdon Community Support Service provides daytime support (day centre) for adults with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health problems and dementia. It provides a range of activities and services to help people to stay healthy, independent and engaged. The services and facilities include: Tea and coffee Hairdresser Podiatrist Physiotherapy Health walks Bathing/shower facilities and support ...
Banbury Community Support Service provides activities and services to help people stay healthy, independent and engaged. It supports adults with the following: mental health problems, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and dementia. Each of the eight centres has flexible, knowledgeable, well-trained staff who ensure that support is offered in a person-centred way in line with people’s ...
Bicester Community Support Service offers tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities include: Art Craft work Bowling Community activities Cookery Gardening Gym Golf Music Volunteering and work ...
Didcot Community Support Service provides information and directions of how to find and get to the Didcot centre. They offer tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, ageing health needs, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities include: Tea and coffee Hairdresser Podiatrist Physiotherapy Health walks Bathing/shower facilities ...
Oxford Community Support Service provides information and directions of how to find and get to the Oxford centre. They offer tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, ageing health needs, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities they offer include: Tea and coffee Hairdresser Blue badge assessments Seated ...
Wallingford Community Support Service provides information and directions of how to find and get to the Wallingford centre. They offer tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, ageing health needs, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities they offer include: Art Cinema Drama Education Flower arranging Friendship group ...
Wantage Community Support Service provides information and directions of how to find and get to the Wantage centre. They offer tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, ageing health needs, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities they offer include: Art Craft work Gardens Physiotherapy Cookery Sport Sensory ...
Witney Community Support Service provides information and directions of how to find and get to the Witney centre. They offer tailored support activities for adults who have a learning disability, ageing health needs, physical disability, dementia or mental health needs. The services and facilities they offer include: Art Craft work Gardens Physiotherapy Cookery Sport Sensory ...
The Social and Health Care Team provides a single point of access for adult social care services. The team provides information and advice on any query related to social care, including: Financial assessments Personal budgets Self-directed care ...