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BlueIce is a prescribed evidence-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, toolbox of evidence based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue. ...


The distrACT app gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts. The content has been created by doctors and experts in self-harming and suicide prevention. ...


Harmless is a user-led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm, including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals. ...

CALM (Campaign against living miserably)

The Campaign against living miserably exists to prevent male suicide in the UK. The helpline offers support to men who are down or in crisis, and the website has information about a wide range of mental health issues, and a database of other organisations that can help. ...
0800 585858 (5pm to Midnight every day)

CALM Helpline

CALM Helpline offer an accredited confidential, anonymous and free support, information and signposting to men anywhere in the UK through our helpline.  Calls are taken by trained staff who are there to listen, support, inform and signpost. ...
0800 585858 (5pm to Midnight)


SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. They are open every day of the year from 4.30pm to 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000. ...
0300 304 7000


A unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It is a place to go if you are struggling to cope and you need immediate help. ...

Richmond Fellowship

Richmond Fellowship is a national mental health charity making recovery reality for thousands of people every year. We provide a wide range of services including residential support, supported housing, employment services, community support and crisis support. Richmond Fellowship is now part of Recovery Focus, a group of charities with the shared aim to inspire individual ...

GP Services - How Your GP Can Help in a Crisis

If you, a friend or relative are experiencing mental health problems and need emergency treatment, you should contact your General Practitioner (GP) in the first instance. Your GP is your family doctor, the doctor you would normally go to see if you are ill or concerned about your health. He or she can usually deal ...

Victim Support (and Witness Service) Oxfordshire

Offers support to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected by crime, and supports witnesses attending the local courts. The support line provides emotional support and information and can put you in touch with local offices and other organisations that can help you. ...
0808 1689 111 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 9pm, weekends, 9am to 7pm)


The NSPCC believe every child is worth fighting for and work to prevent abuse, help rebuild children’s lives and support families. Their helpline is staffed by trained professionals who can provide expert advice and support. They support people with concerns about a child, parents or carers looking for advice, and professionals in need of information ...

Anti-Slavery International

The Anti-Slavery International is a non-governmental organisation, registered charity and lobby group based in the UK. Founded in 1839, it is the world’s oldest international human rights organisation. It works to eliminate all forms of slavery, slavery like practices and related abuses, throughout the world. ...


Respect Phoneline is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them. We support men and women who are using abuse in same-sex or heterosexual relationships, from anywhere in the UK. Respect Phoneline is for anyone who’s concerned about their use of violence and abuse towards their partner, and ...

Stay Brave

Stay Brave’s mission is to erase the barriers survivors of rape, sexual assault and domestic abuse, can face when asking for help. They do this by campaigning for better services, crafting policy and working with decision makers to improve access for every survivor. We firmly believe that everyone has the right to live free from ...

Victims First

Victims First is dedicated to making sure that all victims and witnesses receive the support they need to cope and recover from the impact of the crime. They care about those affected by crime and work continuously to improve services and support for victims. ...
0300 1234 148

stay brave

If you experience a mental health crisis at the weekend, you can self refer to Oxford Safe Haven by calling 01865 903 037. Safe Haven is a non-clinical, face to face safe space to get short-term support in mental health crisis when other services are not available. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 6pm-10pm. To access ...
Telephone: 01865 903037
Mobile: 07710 092849 Lines are only open from 5pm on the day of the service.

What to do in an Emergency

Contact your General Practitioner (GP) if you are not known to mental health services. If you, a friend or relative are experiencing mental health problems and need emergency treatment, you should contact your General Practitioner (GP) in the first instance. Your GP is your family doctor, the doctor you would normally go to see if ...

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)?

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide, which is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. In 2015, 75% of all UK suicides were male. The CALM helpline is for men in the UK who are feeling down or have ...
Nationwide: 0800 58 58 58
London: 0808 802 58 58