Enrych – Volunteer Befriending Scheme

Enrych Oxfordshire is a charity that supports adults with a physical disability to enjoy the most active and independent lives possible.
We need volunteers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to create partnerships and share in a leisure or learning activity with our members.
We deliver PA services in Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Oxfordshire.
We also run a calendar of online social groups.
How to Access this Service
Please call or email us.
We will carefully match you with a volunteer who has a shared interest in the activities you want to pursue. Most of our volunteer partnerships evolve to become strong friendships, making them pretty special for both those we support and our volunteers who support them.
Who is it for?
Our vision is that every adult living with a disability, poor mental health and those who are socially isolated can enjoy a full and active life. Through our services we will support them to increase their confidence, independence at home and in the community and to access leisure and learning activities.
Updated on March 2, 2021